If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #1-8

July 31, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them.  I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past.

Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com  All rights to images and text reserved.


Neighbors came from miles around for the wedding. Knees of their pants green as the boys play in the grass under picnic tables set with pies and cobblers. Old men seek shade under the cottonwoods.

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol. 2 #1


No one else for miles in any direction. Suits him just fine. Cows’re all the company he requires. 

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #2


House was a wedding gift from Pa. Set down a half mile from the big house. Gave it to his son and moved back to the big house when Pa started ailing.

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #3


Took in a boarder after he passed. Young teacher from Iowa paid 2.50 a week. Bought  her a room and 2 meals a day. Arrangement suited them both.

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #4


30 years before. Less than a half mile away. Even now, on the still of an early morning, the wails of the lost carry across the prairie. (Sand Creek Massacre - Kiowa County, Colorado Nov. 1864)

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #5 


Lived alone at the edge of town. None but a couple old plow horses, a half blind dog, and a bottle for company.

If the Wall Could Talk series Vol 2 #6

Work down the mine all night.  Talk is the silver’s played out. Got a notion to try my luck elsewheres. Do a little prospectin of my own.

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #7


Sits his horse in the shade the barn throws over the sage. Ponders the cattle in the pasture.  Horses at the river bank. None of it come easy. Harder yet to hold it.

If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #8


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