962 photos
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Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leave you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing, and listen as heaven whispers,
"Do you like it? I did it just for you."
- Max Lucado

Thank you for visiting DBoucher Photography. I invite you to take some time to browse through the photographs on my site.


I grew up on the West Coast, and then moved to Colorado where I lived for nearly 30 years before recently moving with my husband to a farm in southwest Virginia. On our property are an approximately 150 year old log cabin, a 100+ year old barn, and the grave of the original homesteader. It couldn’t be more perfect.
I'm a history buff and enjoyed photographing the old homesteads and barns that are an integral part of the western landscape, as well as the character filled faces of the people who call the west home. Now, in the east, I continue to seek out the lost and abandoned and faces lined with hard living, and do my best to tell their stories through my images.

I am a published photographer, and an award winning member of the Photographic Society of America. Visit my website at DBoucher-Photography.com.



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