If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #29-32I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them. I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past. Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com All rights to images and text reserved.
They were all of em there by eight in the morning. Leaning against the cracked stucco, lighting Lucky Strikes and drinking weak coffee. Complaining of the poor harvest. Worried eyes darting back and forth to a cloudless sky. If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #29
The wedding, a grand affair by all accounts, and the home they moved into afterward, was paid for by the bride’s father, prominent banker, Mr. Maxwell Barton. The couple honeymoon abroad, and are expected to return in the fall, at which time the young groom will return to banking under the tutelage of his father-in-law. If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #30
Had no use for it when word came the old woman passed on. Wanted to sell the place, but the town died years before she did. If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 #31
Couldn’t shake his need for the bottle. Four or five of em hid in the barn. She pretends not to know. Better that way. If the Walls Could Talk series Vol 2 # 32
To be continued... Comments
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