If the Walls Could Talk series #73 - 76I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them. I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past. Continuation of series, images 73-76. Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com All rights to images and text reserved.
He was a fair man. Just the same, a cowboy caught drinking on his ranch was given his wages and sent on his way. If the Walls Could Talk series #73
As commanding a woman as there ever was. If a ranch hand wanted to eat, he washed his hands in the pail outside the door, took off his hat, and refrained from cussing. If the Walls could Talk series #74
Keeps to himself. If he cared what you thought, he’d tell you being alone isn’t the same as being lonely. If the Walls Could Talk series #75
Sold butter and eggs to pay for feed for the cattle. Couldn’t have made it through the winter otherwise. If the Walls Could Talk series #76
To be continued...
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