If the Walls Could Talk Series # 57-60

January 22, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them.  I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past. Continuation of series, images 41-44.

Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com  All rights to images and text reserved.


Sunsets near as violent as the storms. Were it not so beautiful, she would fear it.

If the Walls Could Talk series #57

Last Light of DayLast Light of Day

Just 17 years old. Calms the baby at her breast while she salts the beans at the fire. Freezes at the sound of the clanging bell. An accident at the mine.  Please Lord. Let him be safe.  

If the walls could Talk series # 58

Land flat as the griddle on my stove. Not a tree in sight. Asked him to haul a cottonwood up from the creek. One day it’ll be grown enough to give shade.

If the Walls Could Talk series #59

My Tree and MeMy Tree and MeAbandoned home, Model, Colorado

No fences in them days. Cattle filled the plains. Then came the blizzard of ‘87. Watched our cattle starve to death where they stood. 

If the Walls Could Talk series #60

To be continued...



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