If the Walls Could Talk Series 37-40I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them. I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past. Continuation of series, images 37-40. Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com All rights to images and text reserved.
Beaten down by bad luck and dreams that didn’t pan
out. Not enough water to keep a body alive. Leastways
not on his land. Neighbors ain’t faring much better.
If the Walls Could Talk series #37
Raised up in a house where the paint’d been wore off so long nobody remembered the color. But the floors were swept clean, quilts pulled up on the beds, dishes stacked nice and neat on the shelf. If the Walls Could Talk series #38 Last Dollar Road Ranch HouseRidgway, Colorado
No one knows where he came from or why. He wasn’t a man open to questions. Best not to pry. Some things’re better left unsaid. If the WallsCould Talk series #39
He was always doin someone a kindness. If a thing needed done, he was there to help do it. Never asked for
nothin in return. Whole county turned out to pay respects when he passed.
If the Walls could Talk series #40
Calhan BarnCalhan, Colorado
To be continued...
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