If the Walls Could Talk Photo Series 13-16

January 22, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them.  I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past. Continuation of series, images 13-16.

Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com  All rights to images and text reserved.


He can see his breath while still under the covers. Gets up, dresses quickly. Plods to the kitchen, lays a fire, makes porridge, coffee. Goes out to break the ice in the trough for the animals. Hard to manage now he's alone. Harder to want to.
If the Walls Could Talk series #13 

Winter RanchWinter RanchSnow falls on an abandoned ranch in Eastern Colorado

Me and my boys built the first cabin on the place back in nineteen and seventeen. Six years later tornado took it clean away. Tornado won't take this one. No sir.
If the Walls Could Talk series #14

Tornado Won't Take This OneTornado Won't Take This OneMe and my boys built the first cabin on the place back in nineteen and seventeen. Six years later tornado took it clean away. Tornado won't take this one. No sir.
If the Walls Could Talk series

A meadowlark sings from its perch on a fence post. The air is heavy with the smell of fresh cut hay. Heat like a blanket over the fields. But winter will come as it always does. There will still be animals to feed. Cows to milk, chickens to tend.  Only the seasons change.  If the Walls Could Talk series #15

FenceFenceA meadowlark sings from its perch on a fence post. The air is heavy with the smell of fresh cut hay. Heat like a blanket over the fields. But winter will come as it always does. There will still be animals to feed. Cows to milk, chickens to tend. Only the seasons change. If the Walls Could Talk series #15

She sits as close to the fire as she dares. Her eyes roam the cabin walls, rest on a tin can lid covering a knot hole. Dreams of a real home one day, built to keep the wind out. Windows with glass. Maybe one of those cook stoves folks talk about. That would be real nice.  If the walls Could Talk series #16

Homestead, Elbert, ColoradoHomestead, Elbert, ColoradoShe sits as close to the fire as she dares. Her eyes roam the cabin walls, rest on a tin can lid covering a knot hole. Dreams of a real home one day, built to keep the wind out. Windows with glass. Maybe one of those cook stoves folks talk about. That would be real nice.
If the walls Could Talk series #16

To be continued...



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