If the Walls Could Talk series 65-68

November 10, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I've made hundreds of images over the years of old abandoned homesteads, houses and barns. I am intrigued, not just by the buildings, but by the lives of the people who may have lived and worked in them.  I often imagine a story, a scenario of what might have been inside these crumbling walls, giving breath once again to the people who called it home. These are my stories, brief glimpses into the past. Continuation of series, images 65-68.

Copyright DBoucher-Photography.com All rights to images and text reserved.


No place she’d rather be than in the barn with Pa. He never said much. Didn’t have to. His way with the animals was all the example she ever needed. 

If the Walls Could Talk series #65



Ma insisted on her own cabin. Said Gramp’s cabin was too small for the lot of us. Could be they just didn’t get on.

If the Walls Could talk series #66 


Came from one of the old states. Brought a wife with him. Figured it'd be harder to find a bride once he got there.

If the Walls Could Talk series #67


Never had anything that didn’t come the hard way. The amber bottle his only friend. 
If the Walls Could Talk series #68

To be continued...



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